April 2014

Great half hour television program explaining Rice Hull Gasifier Stoves, and their potential in Vietnam.

It includes a good comparison of different stove types and designs, and interviews with people using the stoves.

Same video, the Vietnamese version:


Paal Wendelobo was an absolutely dedicated champion of clean cooking stoves, and the people that rely on them.

From his son:
"For almost 30 years, Paal brought attention to health and environmental issues connected to cooking and household energy for development countries. Paal found other people, later friends, with similar ideas and thoughts in this stove community. Despite arguments about stove design, function, and whom had the better stove. No doubt he was a pioneer, teacher but also he was a student."
"His simple Peko Pe stove invited people think new. He was also a pioneer of TLUD stoves."

He died with family a few days ago, and we'll miss him.

for more about the Peko Po Biomass stove: http://www.pekope.com

Christa Roth has updated the GIZ HERA Micro-gasification Manual

It is extensively revised, and features good -clear descriptions of essential cooking stove topics, e.g. choosing appropriate fuels, cooking stoves and technologies.

She highlights all of the major micro-gasifier cooking stoves, and includes a new section on biochar, with good, clear graphics and descriptions for how to use biochar.

An essential reference for everyone's cooking stove library, and this is all work supported by the German people through GiZ, we appreciate their support of Christa's amazing work. Nike