November 2012

Forum on Clean Cookstoves and Fuels will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from March 18-22, 2013.

Proceedings are Posted

  • A Progress Report
  • Presentations and notes from plenary, breakout, and intensive learning sessions
  • Posters displayed during the poster session
  • Photos taken throughout the week
  • An updated participant roster

Link to the Forum Proceedings:

Forum on Clean Cookstoves and Fuels were held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from March 18-22, 2013.

The Forum will focus on methods to drive innovations in research, market development, standards and testing, policy development, and other topics. The first day (March 18th) will feature in-depth topical workshops topics such as gender, finance and health. The following three-days (March 19-21) will include sessions with thematic tracks in areas such as project development, fuels, standards and testing, financing, research, and capacity building.

For more information see

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A loaded kinyanjui type barrel kiln carbonizing maize cobs
free fuel!
a full kin of maize cob and branch charcoal made in less the a day
the maize cob charcoal cooks with high heat and little smoke.

Four very good reasons why to make your own charcoal from dry maize cobs.

  1. They are FREE!! (minimal processing required and are widely available as a farm waste product)
  2. Maize cob charcoal is very easy to make and leaves few charcoal fines. (no need for expensive briquetting)
  3. They are easy to light and burn very hot with little ash and are perfect for cooking a quick meal.
  4. Using maize cob charcoal means ZERO reliance on tree's and forests, LPG gas or unreliable and expensive electricity supplies for your cooking fuel needs. And with a Cookswell Jiko you can bake, boil, roast and toast all of your favorite foods

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File attachments: 
fuel briquette, bird seed briquette

Multiple uses for fuel briquettes..This is in from Nora Feldmar who, as part of her advanced degree in Holland, is introducing briquettes to an active Gypsy community in Hungary:

cheers all,

Richard Stanley