This page exists to help people involved in the development of a better stove for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.
A discusion of this issue is occurring on the Stoves Mailing List.
If you have relevant information or pictures please send it to me, so I can post it through this site, and share it with other interested folks.
Agro Residue Fuel Briquettes, Richard Stanley (May 12, 2001)
International Conference on Biomass-based Fuels and Cooking Systems
Contributions from some of the Stoves mailing list's participants
Most were submited as an aid to discussions which occured on the list.
Mike Bess
Richard Boyt
Dale Costich
Rogerio Carneiro de Miranda
Alex English
John Gulland
Dr P.D. Grover
Dr Jury Judkevitch
Elsen Karstad
Priyadarshini Karve
Auke Koopmans
Don O'Neal
Krishna Prasad
Tom Reed
Kirk Smith
Dean Still
Peter Verhaart
The Ten Can Stove, built by Richard Boyt (Feb 16,98)
Dale Costich
Producer Gas Storage, The Dale Costich Way (April14 99)
John Gulland
John Gulland's Visit to Honduras (Jan 6/1999)
PROF. P. D. GROVER (Oct15, 99)
Charcoal Plant from Dr Yury Yudkevitch (March 26/99)
Making Charcoal, from Dr Yury Yudkevitch(July 3/98)
Dr Jury Judkevitch's Polykor Furnace (March 6, 98)
Dr. Jury Judevitch variation on the Wood-Gas Cook Stove (March 3,98)
The Laxmi Stoves, Priyadarshini Karve updated(April 27/98)
Elsen Karstad
Drawing of Charcoal Fired Water Heater, from Elsen Karstad (July19,2000)
Elsen Karstad's Charcoal Briquetteing Equiptment (March 3/99)
Photos of the 6-Drum Sawdust Carboniser taken on 11/11/98. by Elsen Karstad
Carbonizing Charcoal and Briquetting, from Elsen Karstad (July3/98)
The World's Formost Authority on the One Can Stoves (July2/98)
Pictures of Elsen Karstad's Sawdust Carbonizing Experiments.(March 31/98)
Pictures of Elsen Karstads Stove (Oct 31/97)
Elsen Karstad's Charcoal Making Wood Gas Cooking Stove (Oct 2/97)
Elsen Karstad's Charcoal Making Wood Gas Cooking Stove (Sept 19/97)
Pictures of Elsen Karstad's Version of the Two Can Charcoal Making Stove
Pictures of Elsen Karstad's Briquetting Machine
Auke Koopmans
Turning Sawdust into Charcoal, in Malaysia (June 23/98)
Drawings and Discription of the Thermette Water Heater (Aug 31/98)
Pictures and Drawings of the Swosthee Stove (Aug 19/98)
Ethiopian Lakech Improved Charcoal Stove by Mike Bess
Ethiopian Mirte Stove by Mike Bess
Two Days at the Appropriate Rural Technology Institute Field Research Station in Phaltan, India
Working with Hemant Mahajan (ARTI Engineer, with the white cap) to demonstrate charcoal production using Top-Down pyrolysis and off-gas combustion. ( Nov 28-29, 2000)
Alex English
The Bigtop Pyrolyser Temperature Profile, (Oct 20, 20000) Alex English
The Bigtop 50 kilowatt wood pellet gasifier / charcoal maker (Sept 27, 2000), Alex English
Pyrolyser with Horizontal Burner Alex English March 24, 2000
Clean combustion of pyrolisis gasses while making charcoal with wood pellets.(March 25/99)
Summary of one afternoon of tests done on a down draft wood boiler. (March 25/99)
Flaring Gasses While Making Charcoal, from Alex English(July 3/98)
Testing Stoves With a Vent Hood (Dec 18/97)
Alex English's University Test Burner (Oct 14/97)
Venturi Gasifier Test.(Sept 18/97)
The Curvacious Charcoal Making Wood Gas Burning Stove (AE's latest test, Sept 11/97)
Alex English's Latest Experiment (Aug 1/97)
Picture of the swirl inducing add on for the venturi shown above
Cut away view of swirl inducing add on
Drawing and discription of the venturi burner.
Swosthee Stove
Drawing of a device for Activating Charcoal (Nov 18, 99)
Recent News about The Dona Justa Stove
and more, from Aprovecho (Jan 25,2000)
Don O'Neil
Cast Stove and Mold. Don O'Neal April1, 2000
(Please Note: This link contains about 600Kbs, and will load slowly.
On my machine it loads faster, in aproximately 3 minutes, than I can read it's 34 pages.)
Tom Reed
Two Papers on The Turbo Stove , Tom Reed (July 31,99)
Picture of the Inverted Downdraft Wood Gas Stove-- Tom Reed and Ronal Larson
Drawing of the IDD Wood Gas Stove
A Wood-Gas Stove for Developing Countries by Tom Reed and Ronal Larson
Background on the "Inverted Downdraft Gasifier" by Tom Reed
Overview of the Indian National Burden of Disease from Indoor Air Pollution
Dean Still
Image of a Rocket stove made from pumice. Dean Still (March18, 2001)
Image of a Rocket Griddle Stove, Dean Still (April 1, 2001)
Peter Verhaart
Downdraft Barbeque, Peter Verhaart (Feb 7,99)
Australian Outback Coffee Maker, from Piet Verhart (Aug 16/98)
The file Charst.jpg is a picture of my version of the Larson - Reed Charcoal producing stove. In order to limit heat loss I made an insert (the ganvanised pipe on the left). The next file Csvalve.fpg is a detail of the bottom valve to admit air through the bottom of the stove.
File Jakfbw.jpg is the lower part of what I called the Jak stove (I thought of it while in Jakarta and it has a movable bottom which is jacked up as the fuel burns up). Jaktop.jpg shows the bottom in top position. Jakmid.jpg shows the adjustable slit between lower and upper part of both the LR and the Jak stoves. Jakbot.jpg shows details of the raising mechanism (the climbing monkey idea)
Making Charcoal With a Steel Kiln in England
How to make charcoal the "old" way
Cookstoves for the Developing World by Daniel M Kammen
Regional Wood Energy Development Program
Pyromid Outdoor Cooking Systems
Me: Alex English, RR2 Odessa, Ontario, Canada K0H2H0