Left to right, top to bottom: 1. First stage outer can provides secondary air and some safety. It also provides the support for the 2nd stage. 2. Burn pot -- the vegetable steamer is just barely visible 3. Second stage one quart focusing can -- it can also be used as a bottomless burn pot for a Sweet 16 TLUD. 4. Second stage outer can. It is identical to the 1st stage burn pot ... the can opener holes are not necessary. When assembled, there will be about a two inch gap between the burn pot and its twin used as the outer can of the second stage. This lets in plenty of secondary air. This configuration of the Dragon also provides adequate draft for wood pellet fuel. 1.5 inch diameter grass tablets, on the other hand, will have 2X to 3X the moisture content of wood pellets. The tablet form factor also has a very different surface area. These two factors alone appear to require both more primary air as well as a stronger draft. Clearly one size does NOT fit all. 5. Three angle irons. The Dragon rests on these. 6. Gas grate. This will sit on top of #7 below ... 7. GE Gas Grease Pan. It also has helps to focus the thermal energy on the bottom of the pot/pan. Note: A simple, bottomless, Sweet 16 can be made by using #3 above inside #4 above, both resting on an opened vegetable steamer, as in picture number two above. Please feel free to share this as you like. Cheers, Jock